The cheapest AFM with high resolution for contact & non-contact modes
- Spring suspension offers a strong anti-vibration performance
- Precision laser detection and probe alignment device make laser adjustment simple and easy;
- Scan by sample.
- High-accuracy and wide range sample positioning allow to scan the area of interest ;
- Top view optical microscope for laser alignement and sample positioning.
- Scanners : 10×10 um, 20×20 um , 50×50 um or 100×100 um
- Resolution: Lateral 0.2 nm , Vertical 0.05 nm
- Images: 512×512 px
- Modes: Contact, Tapping, Friction, Phase, EFM, MFM
- Scan speed: 0.6Hz – 4 Hz
- Max sample dimensions: φ<90 mm H<20 mm
- Operating system : Windows XP/7/8/10
Quantum Dots imaged with Nanoview